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HEURAUFE 10 pieces


Practical stable hay rack for the stable.

SKU: PAS-ST Category:



Allows the horse constant access to the hay. Designed to be mounted on the wall. Solid, durable, resistant to pressure and bending.

As a horse owner, you want to offer your animal a balanced and species-appropriate diet. You can ensure this ideally with a hay rack. Whether in the stable in winter or on the pasture in summer: horses need to be provided with enough hay every day.


As there is a wide range of hayracks in different sizes, price categories, materials and with different diameters, in the following article we will introduce you to these types of hayracks and answer any questions you may have on the subject of hayracks.


How much does a hay rack for horses cost?


The price of a hayrack ranges from €22 to about €9500. The price range is so immensely high because there are many different hayracks in different materials, types and sizes. The larger the hay rack and the higher the quality of the material of the feed rack, the higher the price.


Depending on whether you only want one horse or several horses to eat from the hay rack, or whether you opt for state-of-the-art hay racks that automatically feed your horse at regular intervals, the price will go up accordingly. 


What types of hayracks are there for horses?


There is a wide range of hayracks for horses, all of which are different sizes and made of different materials. For example, there is the smaller wall hayrack, the somewhat larger small bale hayrack, the round hayrack and the square hayrack. 


Some of the modern hayracks are even automatic, which means that they are time-controlled and the horses are only fed at certain preset times.


Wall eaves


The wall rack is usually made of galvanised metal or plastic and, as the name suggests, is mounted on the wall of the horse box. There are also different sizes of wall racks, which are adjusted to the recommended amount of feed for the horse. 


Furthermore, you can also opt for a corner eave with wall eaves. This saves space inside the horse box. 


Small bale eaves


The small bale rake is ideal for feeding smaller herds of horses in the pasture. The integrated roof ensures that the hay does not get wet when it rains. 


The idea of the small bale rake is that the horses only get to the hay gradually because of the bars. This prevents them from overeating. When buying, please make sure that the distance between the bars is not more than 5 cm!


The small bale rake is filled by hand via the removable side of the feed rake.


Round hoof


Round or ring racks, on the other hand, are ideal for feeding large herds in the pasture - there are usually feeding places for up to 12 horses here. 


The difference between round and ring runners is that round runners have bars around the runner. Ring runners have rounded edges - so the horses cannot injure themselves.


The filling of the round rake can be done very easily with a tractor. With the help of the bucket of the tractor, the hay is filled into the round or ring rake from above.


Square eaves


The square hay rack is similar to the round hay rack, except that it is a square hay rack, as the name suggests. In addition, square hayracks usually have a roof.


The poles of the square run either under the roof or are only half as high, so that horses keep their heads above the poles when eating. The maximum distance between the bars should also be observed here!

Automatic hay rack


Automatic hayracks belong to the modern hayracks and have a special feature: they are time-controlled. At the set times, the rolling gates either go up or down, creating a balanced feeding routine for horses. Smaller hayracks have an automatic door or flap. 


This practical function is now available for both a small hay rack for the stable and a large square rack for the pasture. 


What is the diameter of hayracks for horses?


The diameter of hayracks for horses varies from 130 cm to 210 cm due to the different sizes and types of hayracks. These are the diameters of conventional round hayracks. The inside dimension of the square hayrack is usually around 2 × 2 m. Of course, there are also smaller square hayracks.


How big are horse hayracks?


Horse hayracks for the wall or corner in the stable have sizes between 50 cm - 200 cm in width, 20 cm - 200 cm in height and 30 cm - 55 cm in depth. Round hayracks are 70 - 120 cm in height - this height depends on whether there are bars (round hayrack) or not (ring hayrack).


What material are hayracks made of?


Hayracks are usually made of wood, plastic or metal. Depending on the project, there are advantages and disadvantages for each material. Wood is natural but can easily be nibbled by horses, plastic is easy to clean but not as stable.


Metal, on the other hand, is durable and resistant to bending, but there is a risk of injury if the bars of the hayracks are not close enough together. A maximum distance of 5 cm between the bars must not be exceeded!


Which material you choose depends on your ideas of a hay rack, how much hay you want to put in the rack and how many horses you want to feed at the same time.


When do you use hayracks for horses? 


Hay racks are used for optimal and smooth feeding. In the horse stall, you ensure that the hay does not lie on the floor and is well ventilated due to the bars. In the pasture, you ensure that there is no feed envy, as a hay rack is large enough for all horses to eat at the same time. 


With an automatic hayrack, you can ensure that the horses eat at regular intervals and only when the hayrack opens. This is controlled with the help of a timer. In addition, many hayracks for the pasture have a roof, which protects the hay from the sun or rain. 


If you decide on a hay rack that the horse cannot put its head completely into, but one that is equipped with bars, you also ensure that the horse does not eat everything at once, but eats the hay in portions. This automatically slows down the horse's eating behaviour. 


However, the horses must never be able to put their heads through the bars!


How much hay fits in hayracks?


Depending on the size of the hay rack, about 6 - 14 kg of hay fit into it. Naturally, less hay fits into a small wall hay rack for one horse in the box than into a large round hay rack for several horses in the pasture. Small, round and rectangular bales each fit into the round and square bales.


What is our conclusion about the hay rack?


Before buying a hay rack, you should think about how many horses you want to use the hay rack for, whether it should be set up in the box or in the pasture, what material it should be made of and how big the hay rack should be.


Once you have answered these questions for yourself, you can choose the optimal hay rack according to your imagination. 


If you can't decide, we recommend our hay rack from Alfako. Our robust hay rack is attached to the wall of the horse box and is very durable due to the galvanised steel. The hay rack is 80 cm in width, 50 cm in height and 50 cm in depth.  


If you have any further questions about the hay rack, please feel free to contact us via the contact form on our website. We look forward to your enquiry!

Additional information

Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 50 × 50 × 80 cm
Hotline: 030 / 39 40 53 76
Mobile: 01522 / 287 33 46
E-mail: info@alfako.de
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